.....and other random stuff......

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

I Promise I’ll Squeak Your Ball

When Sammy, our beloved golden retriever, died Husband kept his favorite squeaky soccer ball and ‘jewelry’ (collar and tags.)
They’re in his dresser drawer and occasionally I hear him ‘squeak’ the soccer ball or jingle the collar.
He did this the other day and I said, “You miss him more than you’re going to miss me!”
His reply……. “I promise, when you die, I’ll squeak your ball!”

Somehow..........that just doesn’t sound right…….. 


  1. Yes. That explains that both quizzical and worried look.

  2. I still miss my old cat, Charlie, who died over 10 years ago.

    Also, when we were discussing my illness and treatment with the doctors in hospital, I had to ask whether we would be able to keep our dog, Dexter. I swear that had the answer been no, Lisa would have asked me to leave before we rehomed Dexter!

  3. Awwww…that's kinda sweet…but it does bring up some images that I'd rather not explore. :)


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