.....and other random stuff......

Monday, September 19, 2011

I Had a Dream

I had a dream last night. 

I don’t remember what it was about except this guy was in it.
I wish I could remember. 
I want to know what he is looking at, what is going on and how it ends.

Don't you just hate that feeling when you wake up from a dream and feel very dissatisfied because there was no ending, no resolution?
It just leaves you hanging and wondering. 
Very unsatisfactory!

Damn subconscious! LOL


  1. At least you remembered some of it... Mine just go "poof," and I'm just left with a feeling. I like the purple guy :)

  2. I appreciate your frustration - but the fact that you dream about creatures like that... that's a world of... something, right there ;) LOL


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