.....and other random stuff......

Monday, August 29, 2011

Little Toe Calling robin’s Brain

Why do you hate me so much?  :(
I did it AGAIN! Same toe! Same chair!
Maybe it’s time to rearrange the furniture. 
Ya’ think? LOL
only a SLIGHT exaggeration of the real thing (the color is pretty much accurate!)


  1. Ouch! I hope you feel better soon.

  2. Is this Karma for something Robin?....LOL. Seriously, in future wear protective steel toe capped boots, I can GUARANTEE your toes will be safe:)....hope the little piggies feel better soon.

  3. Oh yes, time to rearrange the furniture! How about boots? Ouch. Hope it feels better soon. Love the little illo, tho--makes me feel your pain ;)

  4. big OUCH! Time to put your feet up for a couple days...or until you get really bored with it...and drink wine.

  5. Sorry to poke my nose in again, but I'm with Annie, forget the boots go for the wine!

  6. I agree with everyone and for sure, you too! OUCH! Hope it isn't broken and feels better soon.

  7. Perfect for the Everyday Objects theme - the toe, the chair and the stubbing, apparently ;) Poor you! Wine, for sure! Hope it feels better soon!

  8. I'm with the "wine" vote. Great pic. xx

  9. hahahaha! sorry to laugh at your misery but let's face it... that's a great drawing! been there - done that.


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