.....and other random stuff......

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Keep the Change

Setting the stage:

Growing up we used to take car trips a lot.

My father was a big joker.

Okay, now you have the background information you need.

So, we’re in the car going through the toll booth at the George Washington Bridge. (For all of you non New Yorkers, it’s a busy toll.) My father hands the toll taker a twenty dollar bill and with a wave of his hand blithely says, “Keep the change!” and drives through the toll.

As we are pulling away my mother says to him “You do realize that was a twenty, don’t you?”

My father looks at her in horror, slams on the brakes, throws the car into park, jumps out of the car and runs back to the toll booth to reclaim his change.

It was a 10¢ toll.

“Keep the change!”

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